
The AI Stock Screener

You now have access to Altimetry’s groundbreaking AI Stock Screener

This is a basic version of the same system Prof. Joel Litman uses with his institutional clients… some of whom paid as much as $100,000 for a single month of research.

This screener will tell you – in seconds – what’s happening “under the hood” of your favorite stocks… and clearly signals whether a stock is a BUY or a HARD PASS.

(The AI Stock Screener will lay all this information out for you, including a grading system so you can see a stock’s real financial position at a glance.)

Click here to try the AI Stock Screener (absolutely free).


Before diving in, don’t forget to claim your free research report, 3 Stocks to Plug into the AI Stock Screener (chances are you own at least two of these stocks).

You have free access to The AI Stock Screener until July 18.